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Summary of COVID-19 Guidelines effective August 9, 2021

Update on Worship Services, Meetings, and Activities during COVID

Sunday Morning In-person Worship at 10:00AM

  • Entry will continue to be through the front door unless mobility requires entry through the side door.

  • Masks are required for vaccinated and unvaccinated as long as Loudoun County remains in “substantial” or “high” transmission.

  • Two greeters will be available to help and ensure appropriately spaced seating.

  • Communion will be each Sunday, and provided in individually packaged portions, and the collection plate will be placed on the communion table (and not passed).

  • Bibles and Hymnals will remain in storage, but appropriate text will be provided on the large electronic screens.

  • Passing of the peace will be appropriately socially distanced.

  • Livestream of the sanctuary service will continue to be available on our Facebook page and recorded for later viewing.

Additional Guidelines in Effect

  • The Food Pantry will continue to be “curbside” delivery until further notice.

  • Until the Delta variant is more “under control” we will not allow indoor events where food is served…regardless of packaging.

  • Continue allowing singing only while masked for everyone.

  • The church picnic planned for September will be planned for outside [only] with a rain-date rather than an inside option.

  • While preregistration is encouraged, we will create a list of all those who attended the service and all those who attend meetings or events (inside or out) at our facilities and at events sanctioned by RHUMC. Mask guidelines will mirror those for worship services.

  • Social distancing for those vaccinated may be defined by each member (and those with whom they interact). Social distancing for those unvaccinated remains 6 feet.

  • Youth not vaccinated (meaning all those under 12) must continue to wear masks.

  • Events planned and approved with food will require individual packaging…no potlucks or shared beverages.

  • Communion will continue with prepackaged/individual portions.

  • Childcare will be provided. Childcare workers must wear masks, children under 5 will generally not wear masks.

  • Indoor activities like yoga may continue and will be treated as though they are indoor meetings.

  • Youth activities requiring travel will leave the discretion of “ride sharing” to the adults who are driving and those who will be riding together.

  • If you are unvaccinated, masks are always required.

  • Capacity requirements are still in place (60 for indoor gatherings; 120 for outdoor gatherings).

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